Please know your seed is being sown into good ground that financially supports this ministry
Pentecost Seed
Give NowTithe
Tithing is the process of willfully giving one tenth of your annual produce or earnings, formally taken as a tax for the support of the church and clergy. Our money represents a majority of our time and efforts. When we pay our tithes (a tenth of all of our income) to honor God, He honors us in return. It is not just a matter of money; it is a matter of the heart. It is not just about what we give, but how we give. We must allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us where tithes and offerings are concerned.
Give NowGeneral Offering
In the Old Testament there were different types of tithes and different types of offerings. Tithes VS. Offerings: Tithes go to the local church but offerings are free for you to decide what to do with. Many Christians give offerings to their home church because they are excited about how God is moving there and they recognize that the church has additional needs. Other people use offerings to support mission organizations, a favorite preacher or other church missions.
Give NowHarvest Of Praise Donation
Harvest Of Praise Ministries is Bishop Johnson’s personal ministry. This ministry is designed to bring people of all races, denominations, and creeds together. Donations to Harvest Of Praise Ministries is considered a charitable contribution. Thank you for your support!!
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